Pastor Ron Valadez

Hello and welcome!
I’ve been the pastor here since July 2024 and couldn’t be happier to be here! I grew up in Vacaville, CA, and then moved to the Gettysburg, PA area, staying there for 18 years before moving back to CA. My wife, Sara, and I have three daughters, all of whom have flown the coop.
My education includes an A.A. degree from Harrisburg Area Community College, a B.A. in History from Shippensburg University, and an M.A. from Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg in 2013. During seminary I did a yearlong internship in Birmingham, AL where I served Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
As far as hobbies and interests go, I love watching baseball (Let’s Go A’s!), fishing, video games, Scotch, and cigars. I’m also a major sci-fi geek—I love superheroes, Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, etc.
As far as work goes, I love to write and have been published by Augsburg Fortress, Greater Birmingham Ministries, and Clergy Stuff. I grew up Lutheran, which means I’ve had a lifetime of being called to death and resurrection through my baptism. From that work, I feel called to proclaim that gospel in thought, word, and deed. So, many causes are important to me: hunger, homelessness, welcoming the LGBTQ community, sexism, interfaith, Black Lives Matter, in addition to being the best pastor I can be to the flock that God has called me to.
That’s me in a nutshell. I’d love the opportunity to get to know you better. Come and see what God is doing here at CLC!
Peace be with you.
Pastor Ron
Daniel Alley, Music Director
Aimee Alexander, Parish Assistant

Oh Hello,
I’ve been Christ Lutheran’s part time parish assistant since 2023. My background is in art & design, so when I stared CLC I had zero church experience. The staff and members of CLC have been extremely welcoming and helpful in my learning journey. I enjoy putting together the weekly bulletin and newsletter for everyone. My favorite activity at the church is making sandwiches for GRIP.
I graduated Sacramento State with an art degree and always knew I wanted to live in the bay area. I’ve been back and forth between El Cerrito/Richmond and Auburn/Cool over the years, but the bay truly feels like home. I’m definitely a California girl and plan to stay forever.
Most of my time is spent in the art & design world. I am the office manager at a glass blowing studio in Richmond. While I did try glass blowing once it is not for me. I stick to drawing, coloring, and jewelry making. My partner and I have a collaboration art project together and have done several art festivals and gallery shows around the bay.
I’m in the office Thursday afternoons and remote the rest of the week. I’m always happy to help, so if there is anything you need please email me! I’ll help find you an answer or find the right person to put you in contact with.
Maria Cervantes, Custodian
Lay Committees
Steering Team
- Christine Hult-Lewis, Chair
- Elsa-Jennie Bliss, Vice-chair
- Lars Rohrbach, Treasurer
- Amy Tieku, Financial Secretary
- Laurie Pangelina
- Scott Freer